Call for Abstract

International Conference on Cancer Biology and Cell Science, will be organized around the theme “Advancement in the field of Cancer”

Cancer Biology 2021 is comprised of 20 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Cancer Biology 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Cancer is a broad term. It describes the disease that results when cellular changes cause the uncontrolled growth and division of cells.

Some sorts of cancer cause rapid cell growth, while others cause cells to grow and divide at a slower rate. Certain sorts of cancer end in visible growths called tumors

Most of the body’s cells have specific functions and glued lifespans. A cell death is part of a natural and beneficial phenomenon called apoptosis.

A cell receives instructions to die in order that the body can replace it with a modern cell that functions better. Cancerous cells lack the components that instruct them to stop dividing and to die.

As a result, they build up within the body, using oxygen and nutrients that might usually nourish other cells. Cancerous cells can form tumors, impair the system and cause other changes that prevent the body from functioning regularly.

Cancerous cells may appear in one area, then spread via the lymph nodes. These are clusters of immune cells located throughout the body.


There are many causes of cancer, and some are preventable

For example, over 480,000 people die in the U.S. each year from smoking cigarettes, according to data reported in 2014.

In addition to smoking, risk factors for cancer include:

  • heavy alcohol consumptionexcess weight physical inactivity
  • physical inactivity
  • poor nutrition

Various Types of Cancers and their Management

  • Bladder Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Uterine Cancer


There are mainly three types of blood cancers. Leukaemia is one type of cancer it is found in bone marrow and blood. It is affected by the quick production of abnormal white blood cells. These abnormal white blood cells are not able to fight infection and damage the capability of the bone marrow to produce red blood cells and platelets. Leukaemia is also acute or chronic. Acute leukaemia grows faster than chronic leukaemia, which needs instant treatment. This leukaemia is categorized as myelogenous or lymphocytic.

Lymphoma will be directly attack the immune system, these are called lymphocytes. These cells are in the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and other parts of the body. When you have lymphoma, lymphocytes variation and produce out of control.

Myeloma is malignancy of the plasma cells. Plasma cells are white platelets that deliver sickness and disease battling antibodies in your body. Myeloma cells have the usual generation of antibodies, leaving your body's safe framework debilitated and defenceless to disease. The augmentation of myeloma cells additionally meddles with the ordinary generation and capacity of red and white platelets. Multiple myeloma, well-known as plasma cell myeloma, is a cancer of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell generally responsible for producing antibodies. Regularly, no side effects are seen at first. Whenever propelled, bone pain, Bleeding, frequent infections, and anaemia may occur.


  • Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)

  • Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

  • Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)

  • Leukemia occurs in both adults and children.


  • Hodgkin lymphoma

  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma


  • Multiple myeloma



Types of blood cancers are diagnosed with blood tests and biopsies, but people also can need scans to observe the symptoms or see how the treatment is functioning. The tests are getting to be depends on the symptoms and what kind of blood cancer having in blood sample.

The detailed information on differing kinds of blood cancer is diagnosed so if people are worried about they have been diagnosed with a specific kind of blood cancer. If people have the symptom of screening test result suggests cancer, and also it determine because of cancer or another cause. Screening & Diagnosis tests of blood cancer


There are so many different types of cancer treatments are there with different possible benefits, risks and side effects. Slow-growing blood cancers can be survived by taking daily medication, whereas people with faster-growing acute blood cancers may need stronger (intensive) treatments. A stem cell transplant infuses healthy blood-forming stem cells into the body.

Chemotherapy  is also one of the anticancer drugs designed to interfere with and halt the growth of cancer cells in the body. Cancer cells are destroyed and relieve pain or discomfort by Radiation therapy. It may also be given before a stem cell transplant.

     Types of treatments:

Non-curative treatments


Clinical trials are nothing but the research studies designed to evaluate devices, new drugs and treatment strategies. With this any of treatment, there are benefits and risks, but joining in a clinical trial can allow us to play a more active role in our own healthcare. Earlier they're widely available to realize new research treatments, and help others by contributing to the body of medical research.

Leukemia clinical trials:

Lymphoma clinical trials

Myeloma clinical trials




The most important cancer cure technologies are combined with natural therapies to assist patent fight the disease and maintain patent quality of life. Cancer also tested by chemotherapy, radiotherapy , surgery, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy and artificial lethality. This therapy is depends upon the grade and place of the tumour and also, the stage of the disease, as well as the general state of the patient. The removal of cancer without damage to the rest of body is the ideal goal of treatment and is often the goal in practice.

Types of therapies:


The study of things effecting blood cancer is named as epidemiology, as how to infer probable trends and causes. Principle period predisposition is the idea that early determination may misleadingly blow up the survival insights of a malignancy, without extremely enhancing the common history of the infection.

The investigation of malignancy the study of epidemiology transmission utilizes epidemiological techniques to discover the reason for tumour and to recognize and create enhanced medications enhancing the regular history of the malady. Length predisposition is that the concept slower developing, more slothful tumors will probably be analysed by screening tests, however upgrades in diagnosing more instances of sluggish disease might not convert into better patient results after the execution of screening programs. A related concern is over analysis, the inclination of screening tests to analyse illnesses that may not really affect the patient's life span. This issue particularly applies to prostate malignancy and PSA screening.


Palliative care means care or treatment which will assist you to cure these cancer symptoms. The aim of the palliative care is to offer us an honest quality of life and appearance after the emotional and physical well-being. While tacking other quite treatments for cancer we will still use the palliative care.

The blood cancer survivor is the person who is suffering with blood cancer .

The person becomes a survivor at the time of treatment or after completing diagnosis and actively dying are considered survivors, and whether family members and healthy friends of the cancer patient are considered survivors.

Many cancer survivors describe the method of living with and beating cancer as a life-changing experience. It isn't extraordinary for survivors to utilize the experience as open doors for innovative self-change into a "superior individual" or as inspiration to satisfy objectives of awesome individual significance, for example, climbing a mountain or accommodating with an antagonized relative. This procedure of posttraumatic development is named advantage finding.


Track 9: Oncology

Oncology is a branch of medicine that involves the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth with the potential to spread to all other parts of the body, which leads to formation of lumps or masses of tissue called tumours. Tumours grow very rapidly and interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems and release hormones that fluctuate function of body. Cancer is the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide and accounts for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths in US.  Some of the tumour cell does not spread all over the body but they grow uncontrollably like benign tumour. Normal or healthy cell controls their growth and when they become unhealthy they destroys by themselves. A medical professional who practices oncology is known as oncologist.



Transplantation: A bone marrow transplant, also known as a haemopoietic stem cell transplant, replaces damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow stem cells. Bone marrow is a spongy tissue. A biopsy may be a sample of tissue taken from the body so as to look at it more closely. A doctor should recommend a biopsy when an initial test suggests that a neighborhood of tissue within the body isn't normal. Doctors may call that area of abnormal tissue a lesion, a tumour, or a mass. Topics of discussion in the scientific sessions are Bone Marrow Surgery, Stem Cell Surgery, and Hematopoietic Cell Transplantations.


Blood groups are of ABO type and but at present the Rh blood grouping of 50 well defined antigens in which 5 are more important they are D,C,,E and E and Rh factors are of Rh positive and Rh negative which refers to the D-antigen. These D-antigen helps in prevention of erythroblast fatal lacking of Rh antigen it defined as negative and presences of Rh antigen in blood leads to positive these leads to incompatibility. The prevention treatment of diseases related to the blood is called as the Haematology. The haematologists conduct works on cancer to the disorder of immune system leading to hypersensitivity is called as Clinical Immunology and the abnormal growth of an infection are known as Inflammation and the arise of an abnormal immune response to the body or an immune suppression are known as Auto immune disorder. The stem cell therapy is used to treat or prevent a disease or a condition mostly Bone marrow stem cell therapy is seen and recently umbilical cord therapy Stem cell transplantation strategies remains a dangerous procedure with many possible complications; it is reserved for patients with life-threatening diseases.


Oncogenomics is a sub-field of genomics that characterizes cancer-associated or cancer related genes. It focuses mainly on genomic, epigenomic and transcript alterations in cancer. The main concept and idea of oncogenomics is to check new group of oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes that may give new areas of research into cancer diagnosis, predicting clinical outcome of cancers and new targets for cancer therapies. The Gleevec, Herceptin and Avastin are the targeted cancer therapies which gave a new way for oncogenomics to elucidate new targets for cancer treatment. The metabolome represents the collection of all metabolites in a biological cell, tissue, organ or organism that are the end biology.

A platelet issue is a condition which there's an issue with your red platelets, white platelets, or the more diminutive streaming cells called platelets, which are fundamental for bunch advancement. Every one of the three cells writes frame in the bone marrow, which is the delicate tissue inside your bones

Weakness may be a condition that makes when your blood needs enough solid red platelets or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin may be a fundamental piece of red platelets and ties oxygen. If you have unnecessarily few or interesting red platelets, or your hemoglobin is irregular or low, the cells in your body won't get enough oxygen.

A platelet issue may be a condition which there's a problem together with your red platelets, white platelets, or the more diminutive streaming cells called platelets, which are fundamental for bunch advancement. all of the three cells writes frame the bone marrow, which is that the delicate tissue inside your bones

Weakness may be a condition that makes when your blood needs enough solid red platelets or haemoglobin. Haemoglobin may be a fundamental piece of red platelets and ties oxygen. If you've got unnecessarily few or interesting red platelets, or your hemoglobin is irregular or low, the cells in your body won't get enough oxygen.

Mellow iron deficiency regularly causes no side effects. More extreme pallor can cause exhaustion, fair skin, and shortness of breath with effort. Press inadequacy pallor: Iron is vital for the body to make red platelets. Low iron admission and loss of blood because of feminine cycle are the most widely recognized reasons for press insufficiency paleness.

Regular blood issue incorporate pallor, draining disarranges, for example, hemophilia  example, leukemialymphoma, and myeloma. On the off chance that you are determined to have a blood issue, your specialist may suggest you to a hematologist



Cellular therapies are designed to enhance the immune system's ability to fight cancer. Manufacturing them involves collecting a selected set of cells from the blood, modifying them to supply a more vigorous attack on a patient's cancer cells, then rejecting them into the patient.

Cell-based therapy involves modifying a patient’s own cells or cells from a donor to fight disease and alleviate medical conditions. In recent years, we helped pioneer a landmark cell-based approach, known as chimeric antigen receptor therapy, to treat blood cancers. We continue to investigate an expanding array of cell types for novel therapeutic uses.


Cancer is an increasing explanation for morbidity and mortality in most countries. It has recently overtaken heart condition because the commonest explanation for death within the uk . “Breakthroughs” in cancer research are reported regularly in the media. Some reports are supported new results that show potential for improved treatments, but others are premature or publicity seeking, and therefore the motivation behind them is questionable. The public has high expectations that basic science cancer research will translate into improved cancer cures and care. Yet awareness and understanding of the clinical trials that are essential in establishing the effectiveness of latest treatments is restricted . Recruitment to randomised clinical trials evaluating new cancer treatments is often slow, partly because people are convinced that all new treatments are likely to be an improvement and partly because of unease about the process of randomisation. Better public education about categories of evidence in reference to health interventions might contribute to speedier and more appropriate evaluation of promising treatments.


Chemical biology investigates the use of chemical tools to study and manipulate biological systems. Small molecules  probe and target specific cellular processes, inhibiting or boosting the effects of proteins and other molecules.

This allows us to clarify these mechanisms analyse the groundwork for the development of drugs that can slow or reverse disease


Computational oncology utilizes computer models for population screening, individual cancer cell modeling. This information contributes to the predictability that certain pharmaceuticals or therapeutic approaches will provide long term solutions to disease in an individual with cancer. 

Next-generation sequencing has enabled scientists to collect an astonishing amount of data about the genomes of both normal and cancerous cells. Through computational oncology, our investigators are creating tools that enable them to navigate and analyse this vast quantity of information and translate molecular insights into treatments that can benefit patients.

Computational Oncology is a semi-new phrase that is beginning to gain speed in medicine.  It may be surprising to some to find out that there are full departments being created at large medical institutions across the globe titled as such. 


Epigenetics refers to inherited information passed down from parent cell to daughter cell but not encoded in the DNA sequence. Some epigenetic changes are a normal part of many biological processes, but other types can lead to disease, including cancer

It is a chemical modifications of a cell’s genetic material that lead to changes in gene expression without altering the DNA sequence. Over the past few years, we have learned that epigenetic mechanisms play a critical role in the initiation, development, and progression of many types of cancer. Unlike genetic mutations, epigenetic states are in many cases reversible, which means it may be possible to manipulate them with drugs to interfere with tumor-promoting cell processes.

The goal of the CER is to explore how epigenetic processes integrate cellular signaling and the metabolic state to influence cell proliferation, differentiation, and adaptation during both normal development and cancer. This research is providing new insights into cancer pathogenesis and unique opportunities for developing new therapeutic strategies.



There has been substantial progress in cancer treatment, screening, diagnosis, and prevention over the past several decades, addressing cancer health disparities—such as higher cancer death rates, less frequent use of proven screening tests, and higher rates of advanced cancer diagnoses—in certain populations is an area in which progress has not kept pace.

These disparities are frequently seen in people from low-socioeconomic groups, certain racial/ethnic populations, and those who live in geographically isolated areas.

Documented cancer health disparities include:

  • a higher incidence of a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer (the triple-negative subtype) among African American women than women of other racial/ethnic groups

  • substantially higher rates of prostate cancer incidence and death among African American men than men of other racial/ethnic groups
  • higher rates of kidney cancer among American Indian and Alaska Natives than other racial/ethnic groups
  • higher rates of liver cancer among Asian and Pacific Islanders than other racial/ethnic groups

  • higher rates of cervical cancer incidence and death among Hispanic and African American women than women of other racial/ethnic groups

Many of the same population groups that experience cancer health disparities are also significantly underrepresented in cancer clinical trials.  

There has been some recent evidence of progress against cancer health disparities, including reductions in lung and prostate cancer deaths among African American men over the past decade. But researchers and public health officials agree that progress has come too slowly, and the cost of disparities—in terms of premature deaths, lost productivity, and the impact on communities—remains substantial and must be addressed.

Cancer disparities and equity research is needed to understand why some groups of people may be more or less likely to develop cancer, experience cancer-related health problems, or die from cancer than other groups of people.